Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bukhari first attempt!

Ohhhhh dunno wat to write so layannnnn jelah this recipe......I also made vegetable kurma and Roast Chicken Ala Kenny Roger's The verdict? The other half said the Rice & the chicken is about the kurma? Maybe he lost his word after eating the rice and the chicken and how about Me?.....I am just  a Happy Bunny :))))))


I use Faiza's Bukari Rice spice. The recipe from the back of the packet. However this recipe I've taken from here

Ingredients :
2 tbsp Faiza’s Bukhari Powder....I use 1 Tbsp
5 Onions ....I use 2 onions sliced
10 cloves garlic ...I use 5 sliced
300gm tomato puree....I blended 2 ripe tomatoes without water
150gm ghee blend or cooking oil...I use cooking oil
1 chicken (cut and fried) or 1kg beef .....I use 1 cube chicken
1kg Faiza’s Basmathi Moghul Rice...............I use 5 pots basmathi rice
Salt to taste
***the amount of water must be equal with the rice
Cooking Method
1. Heat oil. Sauté blended (sliced) item until fragrant
2. Add Bukhari Powder and tomato puree (blended), sauté until it turns oily
3. Add in the water or beef broth. Bring to boil and salt to taste
4. Add rice and after five minutes add chicken or beef and stir well. Cook on low heat.
5. Nice to served with pickles and salad
Chicken ala Kenny Roger's

The recipe from Kak Ummi 
  • 1 ekor ayam (bersihkan dan tidak perlu dipotong kecil)
Bahan2 untuk perap ayam : -
  • 3 biji bawang besar
  • 4 biji bawang putih
  • 1 inci halia
  • 2 atau 3 sudu besar sos lada hitam
  • 2 sudu besar madu
  • 1 ketul kiub ayam Knorr
  • 2 sudu besar gula pasir- (*akak guna gula perang)
  • 2 sudu besar herba campuran (akak xda ni, letak campuran dried parsley, oregano + basil)
  • 1 1/2 sudu teh garam halus
  • Sedikit air untuk mengisar kesemua bahan make-up.
  • Sedikit mentega
  1. Campur kesemua bahan make-up dengan sedikit air dan kisar.
  2. Lumurkan keseluruhan bahan tadi diluar dan dalam ayam yang telah dibersihkan.
  3. Perap selama 1 1/2 jam
  4. Sapu sedikit mentega keseluruhan ayam dan bakar/panggang.
  5. Bakar selama 1 1/2 jam atau sehingga ayam masak. (Semasa membakar, selepas 1/2 jam pertama, sapukan ayam dengan minyak n campuran rempah yang menitis. Ini supaya ayam tidak terlalu kering. )


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